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Ruteng Cultural and Natural Life on the West Flores Island

9 May 2024 265x Destination

Ruteng, nestled on the west side of the captivating island of Flores in Indonesia, is a destination brimming with cultural richness and natural splendor. Situated before the renowned Labuan Bajo, Ruteng is a cold town at an altitude of 1,200 above sea level. Here in Ruteng offers a tranquil retreat away from the hustle and... read more

Flores Island

Exploring The Natural Wonders of Flores Island, Indonesia

27 April 2024 154x Destination

The cultural heritage of Flores Island and indigenous tribes or marveling at its natural wonders. Nestled in the heart of the Indonesian archipelago lies the enchanting island of Flores, a gem that boasts not only breathtaking natural landscapes but also a rich tapestry of diverse cultures and traditions. From the rugged volcanic terrain to the... read more

Pink Beach

Famous Pink Beach at Komodo National Park

28 February 2023 360x Destination

Some of Indonesia’s pink sand beaches are located in the Komodo National Park, a cluster of lesser sunda islands in the center of Indonesia. This pink beach on Komodo Island has become famous for its light reddish sand color and clear turquoise water. The closest city to get there is the fishing town of Labuan... read more

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  1. Jl. Swasembada Barat VI No. 53 Jakarta Utara, DKI Jakarta 14320
  2. Jl. Dermaga–Labuan Bajo – Manggarai Barat, NTT. 86754


  1. Jakarta          : +62 811-189-920-8
  2. Labuan Bajo 1: +62 811-255-537
  3. Labuan Bajo 2: +62 821-4600-2629


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