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Labuan Bajo

Experiencing Culinary Excellence at Taman Laut Handayani Restaurant in Labuan Bajo

4 April 2024 222x Culinary

Nestled along the picturesque high coastline of Labuan Bajo, Taman Laut Handayani restaurant stands as a beacon of culinary excellence amidst the stunning natural beauty of the Indonesian archipelago. With its reputation for serving delectable seafood dishes and providing a tranquil dining experience, Taman Laut Handayani has become a beloved establishment f... read more

Labuan Bajo

Savoring the Flavors: Exploring Restaurants in Labuan Bajo

3 April 2024 327x Culinary

Labuan Bajo, situated in the mesmerizing Indonesian archipelago, has rapidly gained popularity as a gateway to the breathtaking Komodo National Park. Amidst its stunning landscapes and vibrant marine life, Labuan Bajo also offers a delightful culinary scene that caters to diverse tastes. From authentic local dishes to international cuisines, there’s so... read more

Seraya Island

Exploring Seraya Island: A Hidden Gem near Komodo National Park

11 September 2023 292x Destination

Nestled amidst the azure waters of the Indonesian archipelago, Seraya Island stands as a hidden gem near the world-famous Komodo National Park. While Komodo Island itself is renowned for its prehistoric residents, the Komodo dragons, Seraya Island offers a unique and tranquil escape for travelers seeking pristine beaches, vibrant coral reefs, and a taste of.... read more

Contact Us

PT. Almira Jaya Nusantara


  1. Jl. Swasembada Barat VI No. 53 Jakarta Utara, DKI Jakarta 14320
  2. Jl. Dermaga–Labuan Bajo – Manggarai Barat, NTT. 86754


  1. Jakarta          : +62 811-189-920-8
  2. Labuan Bajo 1: +62 811-255-537
  3. Labuan Bajo 2: +62 821-4600-2629


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