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Labuan Bajo

Supporting Komodo Crafts: Empowering Artisans in Komodo National Park

16 April 2024 181x Destination

Labuan Bajo, a picturesque town located in the heart of the Indonesian archipelago, has long been revered for its stunning landscapes, vibrant marine life, and proximity to the legendary Komodo National Park. As tourists flock to this exotic destination to witness the awe-inspiring Komodo dragons and explore the wonders of the underwater world, there lies... read more

Dragons statue

Guardians of Komodo: Artisans Crafting Dragon Statues on Komodo Island

15 April 2024 239x Destination

The residents of Komodo Island, nestled within the Indonesian archipelago, have long been stewards of a unique and awe-inspiring environment. Home to the famed Komodo dragons, the island attracts tourists from all corners of the globe eager to witness these magnificent creatures in their natural habitat. However, it’s not just the dragons that captivat... read more

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PT. Almira Jaya Nusantara


  1. Jl. Swasembada Barat VI No. 53 Jakarta Utara, DKI Jakarta 14320
  2. Jl. Dermaga–Labuan Bajo – Manggarai Barat, NTT. 86754


  1. Jakarta          : +62 811-189-920-8
  2. Labuan Bajo 1: +62 811-255-537
  3. Labuan Bajo 2: +62 821-4600-2629


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